
Showing posts from February, 2020

Beauty and the beast..

Ethereal beauty I used to give home tuitions in my veranda when I had nothing much else to think about, as a hobby I did cooking nobody appreciated , I am punctual strict and regular, food should be properly served clean fresh and on time, that's how I am, I gave tuitions and cooked our family meals and kept dogs and fed the birds besides driving the old heavy kinetic, attended unite hotel kitty parties as a guest member , dint like going places and hated going to other people's homes, why I don't like going to others homes is because they show off their best side of their ugliness, like offering leftovers, giving tea in dirty painted glasses, contributing the discard and grabbing my best I used to grow flowers others liked to cut off, painting, walking, partying, and reading relaxing was on the top of the list Beauty is in the idea like a genuine smile is not just a broad grin stretching from ear to ear without crinkling the corners of your eyes and look

Common sense symptoms..

How common is the common sense.. .common salt is like common daily topics in everyone's mouth, without mouthful of the common it can't be common, commoners are in the majority like the term grassroots but now with artificial grasses without roots is more commonplace, its convenient and needs no time watering and maintaining it, .,common salt is cheaper than precious metals but a pinch in all we eat is more in demand, ..commonsense is on the other hand not common nor has any sense in it, I begin my day without common sense I interfering with my routine, I don't allow common sense to spoil my enthusiasm, I do things I like doing naturally, talking is not an art it's a compulsion, conversation is cultivated skill and practised as an art and a hobby, speaking to someone and anyone is easy but not a good pastime like painting, singing and other talents that are positively important for more productive relationships, because if not carefully

Pets toys and joys ..

Pets toys and Joy's . Believe it or not happiness does not always depend upon outer props because happiness is not a matter or gard object but a state of mind, it's like playing a game and getting onto the next level to begin a fresh game, its satisfying to reach another higher point, toys we play with in childhood lise their meaningfulness in teenage and the teenage toys lose their interest in youth and old age gas little in common with other age groups and their own they were indulged in they realize are hopeless and not giving any more joy than pain , funny that I find is it actually depends entirely on you how you play the game and how you feel about something, a toy is not a toy to all unless one really plays and enjoys it and keeps it nicely valuing its emotional Impact over others, affordability is related to financial aspect , but even though many can afford to buy ♠️♥️♦️♣️ and spend a certain amount on the same product but beca

Senseless enjoyment is meaningless..

Burners stoves and rights of enjoyment ..pawan when married my brother pradeep from day one she began harping on her rights supported by her mother, then my father took a stand and advised them to demand their rights from their family makes ..papa died and pawan brought her maika to the house we live she speaks for bahus in general to be given their rights, aru also via tashi told mom she made pagodas last evening and wanted her bahus s rights to have a gas stove with four burners, I was in the bath and the set up was changed, problem is not in the change but the intention, first of all shilpa the maid is full day cook and cooks for us all, I cook for me, the change demanded by the family women as their right is giving the maid a satisfying enjoyment, see it's all destiny , to enjoy their rights and demands the women have to work full time with responsibility that they shirk and what they fight for they don't deserve nor desire, it's to p

First lady and the first gentleman..

Watched Pete hudak a gay mayor contesting presidential, he was asked if he wins will he feel awkward to kiss his partner on the stage as his first gentleman, Pete has served on Afghanistan and looks good with a well groomed appearance and I like his eyebrows, that's all I know of sexual life of Americans, ellen on comedy is a ge and Pete is a she, Its not about life partners in particular or about anything particular not even presidential elections, it's about personal matters, all of them trump, ellen and pete are Americans competing with each other first , trump second time married malians comes to agra to sit on duana bench in the mughlai atmosphere, duana the romantic love of the western world died in September when mother Teresa also did, on their funerals different types of crowds visited offering their tributes Life is the key to power , each one has that power , only when one is not sure where lies his inner strength

Trending is not happening

Trending is not happening I like artistry of various types, craftsmanship skillfully showcasing one's ability above others, expertise is a quality within acquired with lessons learnt the hard way, it is that everyone is born special and possesses unique talents others don't have or have in lesser degree, a born artist may grow up to become a bad boss or born boss finds himself become a part time painter, it may be trending but not happening in many ways, fashion changes every other minute , a design does not stay long enough before another trend pushes out, trends are waves and to be happening more time is needed to be happening to last a little bit longer,

Images are visible wordless stories


Time flies past with or without your consent..

When bittu ji comes we all connect to him, he likes talking, full of life and shrewd he has progressed speedily,  Some people like taking risks that others would not, our decisions are our choices ,first of all we must believe in our selves, if we don't know what we want our choices are not made naturally decisions will not be right and the result a complete disaster, I know what I don't want and when I like something or don't like something, simple as it is simple I like , it gives a clear picture and clarity of mind rapidly solves matters a confused mind can't, I like goodness in its genuine spontaneous sense and try to stay away from the wicked because the wicked will strip you of your positivity and you wouldn't recognize your self, I live with me and I know me , I like to be me

Virtual visual and imaginary..

Image is not just my world or anybody's for always world, the world belongs to each one for as long he lives, life is ever lasting but man is mortal, life goes on , so does the world just the special affects in everyone's lives circle around him the one in the lead role, every scene has a story and every listener has his own interpretation that suits his self interest, every narrative has as many versions as their are spectators , it's what tickles their senses, some enjoy the storyline others the picture yet others characters and yet others dressing up, or colors or casting portrayals or a point they discover for themselves others find their own versions of the narrative, when we lived in shimla a hillstation an attraction for the tourists now is my mom s birthplace then it used to be part of old bigger undivided Punjab, papa was Lahore product, both married in Delhi in independent country, their fathers were friends and went to the