The Purification-

-the  baba  was  summoned  to  the  court  , fifteen years  took  him to  reach  the  criminal  court    in humiliation of  murder  of  humanity  and  molestation  of  innocence
-convoy  of  one  hundred  plus  long  luxury  cars  with  black  cat  comandoes  garnishing  the  topping for  the  rich  creamy  celebrity was  so  impressive  that  my  maid  mopping  the  floor  commented-didi, thousands of  the  baba's  devotees  and  followers  gathered  overnight  to  see  the  baba  , police  is also  present  and  the  meals were  served  by  the  ashram  but  some  still  went  hungry
--the  picture  she  saw  relates  to  her  status as  a  blind fold of illiteracy  does  not  allow  her  to  see  the  picture  with  clarity
-baba  was  an  accused  of  crimes  against  humanity  and  was  showing  off  his  force  to  intimidate  the  court and  he  was  half  successful  by  letting  thousands  of  crowds  gather  to  burn  public  and  private  properties  
-leaders  have  power  to  influence  others, not  all can pull  crowds  , sometimes  i  wonder  why  and  what  makes  some  more  magnetic  than  others,  its  their  brains  after  all, they  manage  to  see  flaws  and  weaknesses  in our  society  and  use  it  to  their  personal  advantage
-its  not  their  charm , nor  their  attractive  built  or  style  but  their  brains  which  they  can  use  to  catch  others  specially  the  smaller  fish 
-purification  means  cleansing  of  something  , removing  the  flaws  of something  and  leaving  it  clean  and  shining in all its  lustrous  beauty
-such  destructive  incidents  are  churning  the  mobs  to  take  sides   , they  make  a  mental  decision what  is  more  natural  to  them  and  prove more beneficial   to  them  , the  basic  need is  food  for  which  they  toil  the  soil  all their  miserable  life  and  when they  get  it  easily  for  free it  gives  them  pleasure  so  divine  that  is  equal  to  reaching  a  state of  heavenliness
-religion is above  material  but  what  happens  is  where  the  majority  is  starving  for comfort   and  do  not  like  working  even in their  own  territories  , not  cooperating  with  their  own clans  and  social  web  how  can  it  be  expected  from them to  be  more  helpful  outside  their  comfort  zone, a  person  who  is  not  ready  to  work  on payment  will not  work  for  less and  never  for  free, he  is  not  helpful by  nature, he  goes  to  another  town  on a  free  trip, he  is  taken  for  a  free  ride  not  aware  what  is  coming 
-the   fire  purification of  panchkula  is  a  hangover  staying  in social  quantum minds  for  a  long  time  till  a  new  episode  of  another  religious  baba  as  a  sequel is  followed


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