Sunday Special

--every sunday is stringed beautifully in a natural rhythm eagerly awaited for specifically by those who have nothing to imagine and no plans for that day except rest.  Going to the church for the faithful  is no less than a family affair and a weekly  fair.  But others  have sunday outings and shoppings in the market .some enjoy eating out.what i like to do on sundays is follow my daily routine. Getting up when my cell alarm wakes me with my favourite tune.going to the kitchen. A round to the washroom. Going up to throw a handful or two of grains to the birds in hiding yet residing around in the poplars and mango trees. Cooking small snacks and pressure cooking quick small dishes.microwaving small portions to quickly heat precooked  refrigerated meals. I read urdu magazines pakeeza anchal and huma . Both are interesting  if one is spicy the other is a sweet dish. Flavours of reading tempt me to read more aggressively.  As a child i read woman and home and readers digest. Now older i read urdu  with same fervour and relish them. Monsoons  actively keep me indoors and reading is a good habit.  Watching  television serials keeps us entertained but for more creativity and expanding my mentalscape i read  and listen and make shuttle laces. Though every day is not Sunday  but one can pretend Sunday also is not a Sunday 


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