Small Things Make The World Go Round

-when i  was  in school  lessons  were  repeated  every  day  to  make  us  memorise  the  theme  and  be  able  to  narrate  it  like  a  parrot  before  the  selected  audience  who  would  praise  not  the  ability  of  students  but  the  perfections  of  teachers  
-Rhymes and  the  alphabet   and  introduction to  school mates  and  learning  was  not  new   concept  in my  family  because  we  all  for  several  generations  had  been highly  educated  and  well off  
-Petty  meant  when we  did  things  not  regarded  suitable  for  us  in the  higher  position of  society we  held
-Petty  was  not  bad  when it  was  expected  naturally  from the  lower  in station to  me  
-growing  up  was  a  long  process  slower  than aging  , but  i  realised  understanding  comes  from experience  shared  and  pain comes  from experience  gone  through
-Believing  in karmic cycle  was  instilled  from one  sect  that  did  not  religiously  follow, not  haing  computers  with  me  then and  only  books  and  my  hobbies  to  spend  my  spare  time  with  , long  walks  in the  hills  and  misty  landscapes  , some  revolving  relatives  ,some  neighbourly  exchange  of  smiles   not  sincere  all  got  happily  accommodated  in my  daily  schedule
-never  planning  to  pursue  dreams  because  i  always   lived  in dreams  of  my  own tha  i  spun myself  , not  very  ambitious  i  never  wished  to  marry  nor  become  professional  because  that  status  was  not   seen  by  me  in my  dreams
-small  things  matter  most  because  when small things  useless  and  unwanted  as  they  may  seem  have  no  value  and  are  not  precious  but  because  of  their  disposability other  more  important  things  that  do  matter in life  and  are  indisposable can  certainly  lean  for  support  on them 
-who  ever  thought  i  would  use  threads  for  one  thing  to  spend  my  time
-an  artist  a  dancer  music  lover  and  other  interests  that  i  developed  and  cultivated  were  enough  to  have  a  good  life  but  there  is  always  some  more  scope  for  life  if  there  is  a  stretch  


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