
-i  got  an  auto  a  three  wheeler  and  because  there  was  nobody  to  accompany  me  i  planned  a  small  round  the  town  with  nothing  special  intent, till one  month  ago  i  was  buying  meats  and  sausages  and  home  delivered  packets  were  useful and  convenient, nowhere  to  go  and  all  that  i  like  is  found  in virtual  reality  on internet  i  stay  home  with  my  computer, but  sometimes  an  outing  and a  half  does  wonders, so  out  i  went  and  my chosen  destination was  a  bakery, i  prefer  home cooked  indian  food  , easy  to  cook  and  seasonal  vegetables   and  even  fruits  like  pears  and apples  cooked  and  added  like  pine  apple pieces   and  pomegranate  add  up  so  much  tangy  rich  sweet  sour  taste  , heat  and  humidity  in monsoon this  year  has  doubled  and  drained  our   energy  so  much, i  decided  to  get  something  different  from the  market  and  it  was jumbo  bread, usual bread  is  regular  and  available  in  all shops  and  one  can  easily  get  them  any  time  of  the  day but  jumbo  is  ordered  one  day  before   but  this  bakery  keeps  mountains  of  this  jumbo  all time  from five  to  eleven   fresh  and  soft, large  slices  are  four  times  the  size  of  normal  bread, sandwiches  that  full plate  size   bring  a  smile  and  cheese  and  no tomato  keep is light  and  free from extra  pang  of  wanting  more, today  got  another  jumbo , an  entire  fridge  shelf  looks  loaded  and  full 


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